Beef Tenderloin


  • 4 -7 lb whole tenderloin, trimmed
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Garlic salt and/or other season(s) to taste
  • 1/4 stick butter


  • Handling of meat for grilling is very important. Do not pierce beef surface until finished, using only tongs or large spatula. If using a meat thermometer to gage doneness, insert prior to placing beef on grill, and leave in the beef until removed. Piercing any part of the surface will release critical juices from within the meat, seriously impairing the guests’ pleasure when eating.
  • Prepare Weber grill by lighting generous amount of charcoal well in advance and getting all coals to fully grey exterior color. Separate charcoal to both sides by handles, leaving center of grill clear for indirect heating of Tenderloin. Cover grill to heat grill grate and clean with grill brush. Make sure all vents on grill are open. Also, ensure that there is enough charcoal to last 45 minutes of high heat, or else add 6 briquettes per side through grate handle openings as described in Weber grill manual.
  • Rub Tenderloin with olive oil and seasoning to taste. I generally use garlic salt and ground pepper. Reasonably liberal seasoning is recommended, as the seasoning’s strength is reduced by grilling. Place on grill down middle for indirect cooking. Do not place directly over coals. Cook for 10 minutes with cover on grill. Smear warmed Tenderloin with 1/4 stick softened butter, or place numerous thin pats of butter on Tenderloin. This coating helps seal juices in Tenderloin. Check that charcoal is sufficient and hot, adjusting as needed. Cover and cook balance of planned time.
  • Grill 40-50 minutes depending upon tenderloin’s weight and grill heat. Be careful not to overcook.
  • Enjoy!

Be sure to serve with Beef Gravy for Tenderloin. If you are baking indoors, I suggest baking in glass dish at 425 degrees, still preparing beef as described and re-coating top again with butter after 10 minutes. If grilling on a gas grill with 3 burners, ignite only outer burners and grill between them, to maintain indirect heat.

Originated with Todd Schuett

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